Find cancer specialists and hospitals across NSW and ACT

Select a cancer type and location to find:

  • cancer specialists
  • hospitals and cancer centres
  • multidisciplinary cancer care teams.

Only specialists who are active members of a multidisciplinary cancer care team are listed.

Select a cancer type and location
doctor or hospital name

Key features of Canrefer

Specialist referral

Find the right type of specialist for an initial cancer diagnosis or treatment.

A person with a suspected cancer should be seen by a cancer specialist as soon as possible.

The most appropriate specialist to see depends on the type of cancer suspected.

A referral from a general practitioner (GP) is required for an appointment.

Recommended hospitals

Find recommended hospitals in NSW and ACT for certain types of cancers.

Treatment for some cancers is complex. There are a number of centres that specialise in treating these cancers.

This particularly applies to certain types of complex cancer surgery.


Cancer care teams

Find specialists who are active members of a multidisciplinary cancer care team.

These teams are made up of doctors, nurses and other health professionals with expertise in cancer care.

Most hospitals and cancer centres have a number of cancer care teams, which oversee the care of people with different types of cancer.

This approach is considered best practice.

Select a cancer type and location
doctor or hospital name